Recent Comments

I believe in and support our local managers and supervisors. I know they have seen the issues. I am signing this petition in order to give our local management more say in how we run things locally here at Breck. And I am hopeful that senior management will understand the intent. We want to make things better for the employees and our guests.

I just started this year as a ski instructor and can tell how much the direct supervisors do for us. With that being said, it is a shame that in just a month so much of the administration that comes from Vail Resorts has weighed me down and made doing my job less enjoyable. Better communication, a voice for the ski instructors, higher safety measures, and rightful compensation are needed…

I believe our direct supervisors are doing what they can but don’t have a ton of resources to support our instructors in the ways we need. We have lost a ton of incredible instructors from last year to this year and I believe we will be losing a lot more after this season.

The amount of uncompensated time, using our own data plans, phones, equipment, clothing, etc. is an embarrassment.

I love my job and my coworkers, but I’m concerned about our increased “popularity” and the challenges that come with that especially with low snowfall years. I respect my supervisors and believe they need to be compensated much better to help with our retention rates year to year.

Many points identified in this document deserve review to address moral and retention. The SAFETY items require immediate attention. In 40+ years of teaching I have never had this level of concern for the safety of our guests and my personal safety. To be clear, “safety” includes the carpets where we have difficulty managing the actions of our instructors much less the actions of the general public.

So stoked this is happening, thank you everyone involved in organizing this.

A physical HR is my top concern. Being able to walk into an office and get problems solved same day rather than wait for days for a faceless digital response.

For the values

High support for equipment stipend, compensation for days we are asked to work but are not assigned a class

It’s completely necessary we make some changes, things are not running good and we need to organize ourself, get support and change this.

I believe joining together is the best way to make our voices heard. My goal is for Vail to live up to their core values, especially to do right, do good, be safe, and serve others.

I agree whole heartedly.

Something needs to be done to retain professional ski instructors who want this to be a career. We have lost many, and have numerous others with one foot out the door. Vail Resorts has consistently shows its own conflicting values regarding profits over safety and guest experience.

I have been hit twice so far this year. I have called ski patrol multiple times with incidents on the mountain. Today while skiing with a group of privates we came over a lip and were on about 30 feet of dirt where one of my younger students wiped out. Ski patrol should be on top of the mountain conditions throughout the day. I honestly fear every day I’m out for my class as well as my self. Horrible.

Pay us more!!!!! Protect our valuable instructors

Additionally, there is a distinct need for SIS employees to be able to communicate with HR. The current People Connect system does not allow internal communication. I have been asked to review my experience, to respond to requests for information, all while my account is locked from access. Ridiculous.

After 20+ seasons with Vail Resorts I have not seen upper management actually care about the Instructors. Direct Supervisors are the only ones that care about the instructors for the most part. In the last 5 years I feel the seasoned Instructors are most abused and used, to fulfill all the corporate needs. And we do it because we enjoy teaching, but every year it gets tougher when you feel that your used.

It’s about time!

I am here for THIS! Thank you to whoever is organizing this, you are a hero.

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All of the comments on this page are from the petition signers. They are copied exactly from the comment section with three exceptions:

  1. Comments with identifiable information such as names, specific locations, years of service, etc.. are altered to hide the identity of the person who posted it.
  2. Comments with profanity won’t be included.
  3. Comments have been proof read for typos. 

Obviously it is impossible to include all of the comments and ideas on this page, but we will do the best we can to make sure diverse points of view are included.